How energy efficiency is improved
Detection of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and duct temperature for energy-efficient, demand-controlled ventilation and room climate regulation
Duct air quality sensor for detection of volatile organic compounds (VOC) for demand-controlled ventilation of indoor spaces. VOC sources include flue gases, solvents as well as various cleaning agents and building materials
Measurement of temperature in ventilation ducts
Two analogue 0…10 V outputs are available: one for VOC measurement and one for temperature measurement. This allows direct connection to an automation station
Automatic calibration via an integrated algorithm
Mounting accessories and flange included
219/8 Duong so 5 Khu pho 3, Binh Hung Hoa Ward Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Tel. +84 (0) 90 2540 929 long.nt(at)tl-controls(dot)com Sauter Building Control International GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 15 DE-79108 Freiburg i. Br. Tel. +49 761 510 54 05 Fax +49 761 510 54 20 ms.sbci(at)de.sauter-bc(dot)com www.sauter-controls.comAby przesłać formularz, należy wczytać treść z reCAPTCHA. Pamiętaj, że spowoduje to udostępnienie danych zewnętrznym operatorom.
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